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There is more than one side to the abortion issue
The decision of the USA’s Supreme Court to overturn Wade v Roe and the nationwide “constitutional right” to abortion has been met with dismay and outrage by many people, both in the USA and beyond.
Family First and charitable status
In a free society, the State should refrain from trying to restrain those groups whose views it finds unpalatable.
Matariki and Christian faith
Many Christians can agree that, in our bi-cultural nation, it is a respectful and appropriate move for our country to acknowledge the Māori New Year with a new public holiday.
Te Rongopai and Matariki
With the first ever National Matariki Public Holiday just around the corner we want to share a short digital narrative around Matariki and to share a unique Christian perspective on what Matariki is all about.
As a matter of principle, religious schools must continue to be free to uphold religious beliefs and values
One way or another, Christian schools must remain free to express and practise their Christian beliefs and values – and they should do so lovingly and respectfully.
One way or another, everyone is a believer in something
“Don’t get me wrong, I’ve met thousands of atheists and sceptics, but even the most non-religious people can still have a holy cause, ritual ceremonies, sacred symbols, and even their own heretics” – Justin Brierley