
The idea (commonly) that religious viewpoints should be excluded from civil affairs or public education. How do we get a Christian voice heard in the public square
Bible in Schools
The New Zealand Herald has recently highlighted the on-going debate about religious instruction in classes.
BBC once more rejects non-religious voices on Thought for the Day
“It’s simply unbelievable how unreasonable some secularists can be.” – Glyn Carpenter
Perceptions of Faith
Ron Brewer looks at those fateful words, “If Only…”
Courageous Christianity will combat the ‘fairy tale’ of atheism
Christians need to have courage to talk about the Bible in public life, a leading academic told a gathering in the British parliament…
Lose the Faith, Lose the Culture
John Anderson’s message at the Brisbane Lord Mayor’s Annual Breakfast highlights the significance of the Christian faith in Australia and exposes a reluctance by the media to reporting on the faith of high-profile Christians