The idea (commonly) that religious viewpoints should be excluded from civil affairs or public education. How do we get a Christian voice heard in the public square
Unsung Heroes 2016
On Tuesday, 20 September, Hon Sam Litu-Ilga MP hosted the NZ Christian Network 2016 Unsung Heroes Awards at the Parliament Grand Hall.
Life without God – living in a post-truth era
Some thoughts are so profound, yet so simple, you wonder how you never connected the dots that way before.
Talking about big issues – Be equipped.
We've probably all experienced a "cringe moment", when someone identified as a Christian says something - might be at work, or at a party with friends, or it might be in the national media - that is completely outrageous, or just...
How New Zealand could be
In the spirit of W.E. Sangster… “What would a religious revival do for New Zealand?”
A Letter to the Church about Islam and ISIS
From Glyn Carpenter, NZ Christian Network February 2016 (including a Muslim’s Response to Critiques of Islam) Janet Daley has called ISIS a 'death cult' Every time there is an international terrorist attack these days it seems to generate a spate of articles and...
Why “Reading the Bible Faithfully” matters
There are some things which are basic in our Christian lives - things like prayer, Bible reading, worship, witness. NZ Christian Network organised two major discussions recently - one on marriage and one on...