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Why the only future worth building includes everyone
Speaking from his apartment at Vatican’s Domus Sanctae Marthae guesthouse, Pope Francis gave an 18-minute talk at the TED 2017 Conference. He touched on the need for “togetherness” during a time of political upheaval all over the globe.
An empty chair, a missing Premier – a poignant metaphor
British Actress, Comedian, broadcaster, Liz Carr, known internationally for her work opposing assisted suicide as a disability campaigner as well as her role in the BBC forensics drama, Silent Witness, has been in Melbourne, Australia for the last few weeks with her show: Assisted Suicide: The Musical.
Compromised Christians or the 10 “BUT´s”
Have evangelical business leaders internalised the mindset of contemporary Capitalism? The following points were areas of discussion at the Congress of Christian Leaders and part of a newly released discussion paper.
Should Women Lead Churches and Preach?
Conversations with students and on Facebook suggest that there is a rise in concern over women in ministry; particularly, their exercising leadership and authority in a church and preaching/teaching groups including men.
What Do We Have To Celebrate At Christmas?
Who doesn't love the beach on Christmas Day? - Megan Clark ( via Stuff) Just what is the whole Christmas thing about? What are we celebrating? What does it mean in our...
Unsung Heroes 2016
On Tuesday, 20 September, Hon Sam Litu-Ilga MP hosted the NZ Christian Network 2016 Unsung Heroes Awards at the Parliament Grand Hall.
10 predictions about the future Church and shifting attendance patterns
What will the future church be like? And how should you and I respond? While no one’s really sure of what’s ahead, talking about it at least allows us to position our churches for impact in a changing world.
12 ways your phone is changing you
Author Tony Reinke states, “Never offline, always in reach, we now wield in our hands a magic wand of technological power we have only begun to grasp. But it raises new enigmas…
To Differ Without Deferring
Addressing the Our Whole Society interfaith conference at St. Paul University in Ottawa, Cardus’ Andrew Bennett argues genuine pluralism ensures freedom to differ without any obligation to defer.
Voluntary euthanasia bill to be debated. Again…
ACT MP David Seymour’s private members’ bill was recently drawn from the ballot, starting the latest round of the euthanasia debate. This article provides an overview of how euthanasia has ‘progressed’ and addresses the real problem.
Building Trust
Do you have what it takes to make your marriage work? In this post, Nikki Bray illustrates a key component, trust.
Strengthening the church of Aotearoa
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