Recent posts
Ruby Duncan handed out the following notes at a recent workshop she presented, and they looked so useful that we asked if we could share them!
How New Zealand could be
In the spirit of W.E. Sangster… “What would a religious revival do for New Zealand?”
Where is the love?
What began as a comment on Simon Collins’ Facebook page prompted Glyn to raise some points about how Christians can effectively share their faith on social media.
City Church Not a One Trick Pony
Ever since the concept of “city church” was explored as a major theme at the 2008 NZ Christian Network Congress, I have become even more convinced about its importance...
Nikki Bray and her husband Andy are very ordinary people in whom, and through whom, God has done an extra-ordinary work. Nikki and Andy received the NZ Christian...
Share Your Story – Christine Harding
Christine Harding currently lives in Auckland, but still calls Hamilton home, and is the NZ National Director of OMF New Zealand. In this edition of ‘Share Your Story’,...
WEA Media Release New York, NY - 3 May 2017 How Will Your Church Participate in #WorldRefugeeSunday on June 18 & 25? Over 65 million people have been forced to...
Why the only future worth building includes everyone
Speaking from his apartment at Vatican’s Domus Sanctae Marthae guesthouse, Pope Francis gave an 18-minute talk at the TED 2017 Conference. He touched on the need for “togetherness” during a time of political upheaval all over the globe.
An empty chair, a missing Premier – a poignant metaphor
British Actress, Comedian, broadcaster, Liz Carr, known internationally for her work opposing assisted suicide as a disability campaigner as well as her role in the BBC forensics drama, Silent Witness, has been in Melbourne, Australia for the last few weeks with her show: Assisted Suicide: The Musical.
Compromised Christians or the 10 “BUT´s”
Have evangelical business leaders internalised the mindset of contemporary Capitalism? The following points were areas of discussion at the Congress of Christian Leaders and part of a newly released discussion paper.
Should Women Lead Churches and Preach?
Conversations with students and on Facebook suggest that there is a rise in concern over women in ministry; particularly, their exercising leadership and authority in a church and preaching/teaching groups including men.
Strengthening the church of Aotearoa
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