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‘As It Is’ – book review
Drawing on his life experience and time as an MP Gordon Copeland, sets out a passionate vision for New Zealand’s future.
NZCN|Media Release – Churches urged to organise submissions on euthanasia issue
NZ Christian Network is urging churches and individuals concerned about the possibility of euthanasia being legalised in New Zealand, to make submissions to the Health Select Committee before the due date 1 Feb 2016.
Where is your Faith?
The week already began on a pessimistic note… And then came Friday 13th. Paris. Bloodshed.
Why “Reading the Bible Faithfully” matters
There are some things which are basic in our Christian lives - things like prayer, Bible reading, worship, witness. NZ...
Pew Research – America less religious and religious groups more accepting of homosexuality. What does it mean for us?
Pew Research Center's 2014 Landscape Study on religion in America contains some interesting findings. Among them, and relevant to NZ in the context of ongoing debates...
Contradictions and Women in the Bible
One of the biggest obstacles to the biblical call to unity is the shallow or superficial reading of scripture. There’s still plenty of scope for disagreement even among specialists who are adept at plumbing the depths of a text in the original languages.
There is much debate and confusion about euthanasia. Examples of actions which are not euthanasia are often used to argue for law change which is euthanasia. This would be bad law. This short |Note aims to clarify some of the terms and issues in the hope that we can prevent this from happening.
Talking about big issues – Be equipped.
We've probably all experienced a "cringe moment", when someone identified as a Christian says something - might be at work, or at a party with...
Evangelism does not seem to be widely practised in the church today. Perhaps this is because it’s not well understood. Perhaps poor teaching has left a residue of suspicion or even fear. This |Note presents a short overview of evangelism.
Ruby Duncan handed out the following notes at a recent workshop she presented, and they looked so useful that we asked if we could share them!
How New Zealand could be
In the spirit of W.E. Sangster… “What would a religious revival do for New Zealand?”
Strengthening the church of Aotearoa
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