Recent posts
Changes to marriage – “neither cave nor panic”
The Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg We were sent a link to this opinion piece by Russell Moore, president of the Ethics...
Are euthanasia arguments honest?
Are the arguments presented in the current euthanasia debate honest? This is the question put to me by a person who holds a Master’s Degree in philosophy and who is...
Tolerance, persecution, and responding to our culture – Biblical wisdom on the blog of Frank Viola
“Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” (2 Tim. 3:12) Frank Viola offers in this post some useful and...
David Cameron’s 2015 Easter message
Easter seems a long time ago. But many people have spoken about British Prime Minister David Cameron's Easter message. So we decided to re-post it here for your easy...
Ecumenism Without Compromise
The word ‘ecumenism’ evokes suspicion and anger in some quarters. Understandably so, because it has often been synonymous with compromise, and watering down essential truths of the Gospel.
Christian Women Connecting for Global Impact
Hear about key themes that are emerging for Christian women, the very exciting work of the Global Women’s Commission, and stories from around the globe of women in leadership who are truly making a difference.
Has God Given Up on Humanity?
The Value of Life Discussion Group is calling for papers from practitioners and academics for a book to be published in November 2016.
The Nature of a Christian Voice
We live in a world that is saturated in information, misinformation, and conflicting voices. Seeing God’s will done ‘here on earth as in heaven’ involves having a Christian voice in public debates and in stories covered in news and other media. But when Christians don’t agree, what then?
Watch Rubio’s incredible response to an atheist who says he’s running to be ‘Pastor-In-Chief’
When a self-described atheist asked Marco Rubio this week how a candidate who spends so much time talking about religious liberty and “pandering” to evangelical voters could possibly represent him, Rubio delivered one of the most articulate responses a Republican politician ever has to such a question.
A Letter to the Church about Islam and ISIS
From Glyn Carpenter, NZ Christian Network February 2016 (including a Muslim’s Response to Critiques of Islam) Janet Daley has called ISIS a 'death cult' Every time...
Health Select Committee Inquiry Submission on Euthanasia
Glyn Carpenter wrote on behalf of New Zealand Christian Network to ask that the committee recommend that euthanasia not be legalised in New Zealand.
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