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MEDIA RELEASE: Christians eager to be responsible about COVID-19
Christians eager to be responsible about COVID-19 21 March 2020 The New Zealand Christian Network, the alliance of evangelical churches, organisations and individuals...
A letter from National Church Leaders to the sitting MPs concerning the Abortion Law “Reform” Bill
Today, 17 March 2020, the national leaders of most New Zealand church denominations gathered together in Wellington, within sight of Parliament. We want to say to every MP: we urge you to look deep into your own moral conscience, and to vote against the Abortion Law “Reform” Bill at its final reading.
Prayer Amid Covid-19 Crisis
On behalf of the World Evangelical Alliance, Secretary-General Bp Efraim Tendero offered the following prayer amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
It’s a matter of Life and Death
MPs are proceeding with making amendments to the proposed Abortion Legislation Bill before its 3rd reading. Will you do something to help sway the vote in favour of protecting the lives of both mothers and children? Here’s what you need to know.
Seeking a united voice against abortion
A letter urging Christian leaders to demonstrate a united voice on the abortion issue and against the proposed Abortion Legislation Bill
Kids benefit from seeing euthanasia close up, says Canadian doctor
So says a Canadian doctor who suggests that young children will benefit from becoming involved. NZCN is not endorsing this article, but are running it to illustrate the attempts to normalise euthanasia.
It’s a matter of Life and Death
MPs are proceeding with making amendments to the proposed Abortion Legislation Bill before its 3rd reading. Will you do something to help sway the vote in favour of protecting the lives of both mothers and children? Here’s what you need to know.
Seeking a united voice against abortion
A letter urging Christian leaders to demonstrate a united voice on the abortion issue and against the proposed Abortion Legislation Bill
Kids benefit from seeing euthanasia close up, says Canadian doctor
So says a Canadian doctor who suggests that young children will benefit from becoming involved. NZCN is not endorsing this article, but are running it to illustrate the attempts to normalise euthanasia.
Jacqui’s story – “I was conceived in rape. I value life.”
“But what about women who have been raped?” Jacqui’s story addresses that question and she wanted to make an oral submission to the select committee regarding the proposed changes to abortion law but was declined. Watch her deeply personal and moving story that the Select Committee refused to hear or engage in discussion.
WEA Calls for Prayer Amid Ongoing Corona Virus Crisis
Media Release: Amid the continuous spread of the Corona Virus, now called COVID-19, the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) calls for churches to join in prayers for the millions affected directly and indirectly.
Strengthening the church of Aotearoa
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