We urge New Zealand Christians to be much in prayer about this matter, especially for those courageous few MPs who will speak out and seek to have the Bill amended so it is more fit for purpose, and less dangerous to several important liberties.
Christianity and Social & Moral Issues
2022 Challenges
As we move into 2022, it already promises to be just as challenging a year as last year, but in its own way. Front of mind for many church leaders is how our churches may best navigate the complications of life in the Red setting, showing love and respect to everyone...
NZCN oral submission on the Conversion Practices Prohibition Bill
Dr Stuart Lange presents his oral submission on behalf of NZ Christian Network to the Justice Select Committee. NZ Christian Network's submission was also highlighted on Radio New Zealand's Midday News on 15 September.
NZCN’s submission on the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill
Dr Stuart Lange’s submission (on behalf of NZCN) and suggested additional clause for the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill currently before Parliament
Submission guide: Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill
A simple guide with links to walk you through making a submission on the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill, which closes WEDNESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2021
Problems with the “Conversion Practices” Bill, and a suggestion
Dr Stuart Lange explains the problems with this Bill and suggests a highly necessary additional clause that would help address these issues.