A collection of stories and reports from individuals and churches around the country in response to the January and February storms that battered much of the North Island
Missional Living

How to live out the Christian faith at work, at play, at rest, and even at church, in order to engage others with the gospel message.
Racism, police brutality, American politics, President Trump, MAGA caps, Christianity – and Aotearoa
Amidst all the rancour and toxicity issuing from a troubled USA, some questions to ponder and discuss. And some suggested responses…
Alert Level 2 and New Zealand Churches
There is a sense of relief and gratitude around New Zealand that the situation with the Covid-19 virus has now much improved, and the move to Alert Level 2 is widely welcomed. Against that backdrop, the NZCN team proposes these reflections…
Three Realities for New Zealand Churches in Alert Level 2 and Beyond
As New Zealand slowly begins to re-open, a question many churches will be asking is, “How do we approach ministry in Level 2 and beyond?” It’s easy to be scared of change. But in reality, the NZ church has already proven that it is more than ready to adapt to changing circumstances.
MEDIA RELEASE: Christians eager to be responsible about COVID-19
Christians eager to be responsible about COVID-19 21 March 2020 The New Zealand Christian Network, the alliance of evangelical churches, organisations and individuals in Aotearoa New Zealand, commends the New Zealand Government for its leadership in our time of...
Failure isn’t Final: Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
You may have never had anyone you know be in a suicidal situation. But if you were even just once faced with this difficult situation – would you not want the confidence to know what steps to take to help?