When a self-described atheist asked Marco Rubio this week how a candidate who spends so much time talking about religious liberty and “pandering” to evangelical voters could possibly represent him, Rubio delivered one of the most articulate responses a Republican politician ever has to such a question.
Missional Living

How to live out the Christian faith at work, at play, at rest, and even at church, in order to engage others with the gospel message.
Why “Reading the Bible Faithfully” matters
There are some things which are basic in our Christian lives - things like prayer, Bible reading, worship, witness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9e-mA3Msec NZ Christian Network organised two major discussions recently - one on marriage and one on...
Talking Jesus research (UK) – first of its kind – relevant to NZ
NZ Christian Network’s sister organisation in UK has just published the results of a research project described as the “first of its kind”. The research was conducted by Barna Group on behalf of the EAUK (Evangelical Alliance UK), the Church of England, and HOPE.
6 Views on Faith and Work
One of the discussion groups hosted by NZ Christian Network is focused on ‘missional living’ – what does it mean to be a witness and follower of Jesus in every area of life. The group includes a number of locally and internationally respected leaders. As we were discussing Kara’s |Note, we realised that many people interested in this topic might find it useful to ‘eavesdrop’ on our conversation.
Tolerance, persecution, and responding to our culture – Biblical wisdom on the blog of Frank Viola
“Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” (2 Tim. 3:12) Frank Viola offers in this post some useful and wise teaching from the Bible on the topics of tolerance, persecution, and how we should respond in a world...
David Cameron’s 2015 Easter message
Easter seems a long time ago. But many people have spoken about British Prime Minister David Cameron's Easter message. So we decided to re-post it here for your easy reference, and also for any who haven't seen it or read it yet. Re-posted from: Express UK, 5...