Free Resources

We have some great free resources available

Gospel Bicentenary Statement

This is a discussion paper written to mark the bicentenary of the first recorded preaching of the gospel and the beginnings of Christian mission work in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Read and sign it here >

Gospel Bicentenary Booklet

Te Rongopai Documentary

Dr Stuart Lange presents a five-part series documenting the story of the Gospel in New Zealand from Samuel Marsden forwards.

Members can sign in and watch for free.

E to matou Matua

The Lord’s Prayer

Your Voice Matters

Learn how to add your voice to others >

While it is easy to agree and disagree with other people’s opinions, it’s actually rare for someone to take a stand and speak up either in support or against an issue in a way that counts. Why? Sometimes, it’s because they think their voice doesn’t really matter. Sometimes they are scared to let others know what they really think because it might not agree with the overruling sentiment. And sometimes, they really just don’t know how to go about it.

When it comes to issues that affect society, often the best way to be heard is to add weight to the voices of others.

This article contains information about different ways you can do this such as starting or signing a petition, organising or joining a protest or demonstration, writing to Members of Parliament, and making submissions.

Topics – A Christian Viewpoint



There is much debate and confusion about euthanasia. Examples of actions which are not euthanasia are often used to argue for law change which is euthanasia. This would be bad law. This short |Note aims to clarify some of the terms and issues in the hope that we can prevent this from happening.



Evangelism does not seem to be widely practised in the church today. Perhaps this is because it’s not well understood. Perhaps poor teaching has left a residue of suspicion or even fear. This |Note presents a short overview of evangelism.

Disability and the Church

Disability and the Church

24% of people in NZ live with some form of disability. When you consider this number, there is little doubt that in most churches there are people who either have a disability themselves or have a family member with a disability.

Parry Field Lawyers

Board Matters podcast

Board Matters podcast

Join Steven Moe MInstD in conversation with leading directors in Aotearoa New Zealand. In each episode, Steven and his guest discuss their governance journey, what motivates them and their vision for the future of governance.

Parry Field Lawyers Legal Handbooks for Churches

Parry Field Lawyers Legal Handbooks for Churches

Planting or running a church is not without challenges. The exciting prospect of facilitating the gathering of believers comes with a number of important considerations, many of which touch on complex areas of New Zealand Law…