This membership is for individuals who wish to support NZ Christian Network for $30 per year.

You can join for $50 per year if you’re a married couple. Suppose you’re a leader or administrator of a church or Christian organisation. In that case, you can also sign up for a Church Membership or Organisation Membership for $100 per year with additional benefits such as posting jobs and events.


Sign Up

What’s involved with being an individual member of NZ Christian Network

To become a member of the New Zealand Christian Network, you must indicate your assent to our statement of faith.

Beyond that, we encourage you to uphold us in prayer, share NZCN newsletters and resources with others, become actively involved as you are able (e.g. Pray as One NZ, focus groups, forums, conferences), and engage with articles and posts published by the New Zealand Christian Network.

Please check out our FAQ section below for answers to common questions.


“I love the passion behind NZCN to serve the Body of Christ. With a love and respect for the Bible and people, they aim to unite, build and speak constructively into the Church of Aotearoa and society at large with gospel focus and clarity.”

– Jackie Millar | Pray As One NZ participant

Sign Up

By signing up as a member of the New Zealand Christian Network, you are declaring that you are firmly committed to…

  • Biblical Christianity and Christians working and praying together
  • Helping the New Zealand church flourish
  • Christians speaking constructively into society