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Indie-Rock And Mission
First, we can work hard as our Christian community to develop in our individual members a coherent and comprehensive worldview that can reason from the Bible and Theology to action on issues of the day. The starting point of the New Testament on that path is the creation of character, the inculcation of Christian virtues. We are firstly schooled in who to be before we are schooled in what to do. The virtues are themselves guides to action such that being confident in the kind of person I ought to be, I act so as to be that person.
Eulogy for Rev. Clementa Pinckney by Barack Obama
This eulogy delivered by Barack Obama at the funeral for Rev. Clementa Pinckney, one of the victims of the shootings at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, is the best example of a Christian message I have ever heard delivered by any political leader – ever!
WEA Women’s Commission Newsletter – July 2015
Welcome to the WEA’s first Women’s Commission update to mark their new name, new ideas, and includes stories from Egypt and Barbados about overcoming violence.
Women As One – Launch
This is a gallery of images taken during the launch of Women As One.
Prayer, Cities and Prayer Summits
“What would it take to see a move of God initiated and sustained in a geographic area?” This is the question posed by Dr. Joe Aldrich who initiated the Prayer Summit movement.
So often it feels like Christians are on the back foot. Arguing for positions which it seems increasing numbers of people aren't interested in. A few years...
‘As It Is’ – book review
Drawing on his life experience and time as an MP Gordon Copeland, sets out a passionate vision for New Zealand’s future.
NZCN|Media Release – Churches urged to organise submissions on euthanasia issue
NZ Christian Network is urging churches and individuals concerned about the possibility of euthanasia being legalised in New Zealand, to make submissions to the Health Select Committee before the due date 1 Feb 2016.
Where is your Faith?
The week already began on a pessimistic note… And then came Friday 13th. Paris. Bloodshed.
Why “Reading the Bible Faithfully” matters
There are some things which are basic in our Christian lives - things like prayer, Bible reading, worship, witness. NZ...
Pew Research – America less religious and religious groups more accepting of homosexuality. What does it mean for us?
Pew Research Center's 2014 Landscape Study on religion in America contains some interesting findings. Among them, and relevant to NZ in the context of ongoing debates...
Strengthening the church of Aotearoa
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