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Easter message of hope and love in the Herald
NZ Christian Network would like to express our thanks once again to the NZ Herald for printing the joint Easter message from Auckland Church Leaders. The Herald has...
Freedom of belief – What does it actually mean?
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R). (Darron Cummings/Associated Press) Last week I emailed an article to a group set up by NZ Christian Network to engage on the topic of...
World Evangelical Alliance Leadership Meets with UN Secretary General to Discuss Partnership
WEA Secretary-General meets UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon New York, NY - March 12, 2015 New Zealand Christian Network is the NZ member and representative of the...
A kitten! (and International Women’s Day)
International Women’s Day is still important. March 8th has only lost its relevance if we use it as a day to promote more privileges for ourselves…
NZCN|Media Release – Call for prayer for NZ troops
25 February 2015 New Zealand Christian Network calls New Zealanders to pray for New Zealand troops New Zealand Christian Network director Glyn Carpenter is asking New...
NZCN|Media Release – Family values, public benefit, and the Charities Commission
MEDIA RELEASE 25 February 2015 Family values - Who decides what is "public benefit"? NZ Christian Network (NZCN) is encouraging people to support Family First in its...
Christian Women Connecting for Global Impact
Tuesday 11th August saw Christian leaders from Auckland and beyond attend the event ‘Christian Women Connecting for Global Impact’ at AUT. They met to share their stories and hear from Amanda Jackson about the experiences of women around the world.
Amanda Jackson interview on Rhema
Amanda Jackson, leader of the WEA Women’s Commission, was interviewed by John Peachey on Radio Rhema during her visit to New Zealand.
Changes to marriage – “neither cave nor panic”
The Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg We were sent a link to this opinion piece by Russell Moore, president of the Ethics...
Are euthanasia arguments honest?
Are the arguments presented in the current euthanasia debate honest? This is the question put to me by a person who holds a Master’s Degree in philosophy and who is...
Tolerance, persecution, and responding to our culture – Biblical wisdom on the blog of Frank Viola
“Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” (2 Tim. 3:12) Frank Viola offers in this post some useful and...
Strengthening the church of Aotearoa
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