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Slavery in NZ must end
NZ Christian Network welcomes the work of TV3 and Stand Against Slavery in exposing unfair practices in NZ that can rightly be categorised as slavery. Read the media...
Bicentenary Statement / Discussion Paper FAQs
A special statement has been written to mark the bicentenary (200 year anniversary) of the first recorded preaching of the Good News (Gospel) of Jesus Christ in...
E to matou Matua – The Lord’s Prayer
NZCN would like to encourage you to learn the Lord’s Prayer this Gospel Bicentanary year.
Secularism 101
Many Christians are unfamiliar with the concept of secularism. They have not had the opportunity to consider the threat it poses for our society – for our children, and for future generations. This resource is designed to help readers understand what secularism is, recognise the ways it subtly shapes society, realise how it is contrary to God’s will, and discern how we should respond.
There’s more to marriage!
We’re confused about marriage. We want ceremonies with vows “till death parts us”, yet every year half as many divorce as marry. How do you picture “marriage”? Weddings, like Hollywood productions, present the dream of perfect couples, it’s all about love and fulfilment. But that Hollywood self-fulfilment picture of marriage isn’t true.
Martha, Martha, Martha!
A friend asked me who I identified with more, Mary or Martha? I don't know about you but usually, when I hear someone talk about Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42), the...
Easter message of hope and love in the Herald
NZ Christian Network would like to express our thanks once again to the NZ Herald for printing the joint Easter message from Auckland Church Leaders. The Herald has...
Freedom of belief – What does it actually mean?
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R). (Darron Cummings/Associated Press) Last week I emailed an article to a group set up by NZ Christian Network to engage on the topic of...
World Evangelical Alliance Leadership Meets with UN Secretary General to Discuss Partnership
WEA Secretary-General meets UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon New York, NY - March 12, 2015 New Zealand Christian Network is the NZ member and representative of the...
A kitten! (and International Women’s Day)
International Women’s Day is still important. March 8th has only lost its relevance if we use it as a day to promote more privileges for ourselves…
NZCN|Media Release – Call for prayer for NZ troops
25 February 2015 New Zealand Christian Network calls New Zealanders to pray for New Zealand troops New Zealand Christian Network director Glyn Carpenter is asking New...
Strengthening the church of Aotearoa
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