On Tuesday, 20 September, Hon Sam Litu-Ilga MP hosted the NZ Christian Network 2016 Unsung Heroes Awards at the Parliament Grand Hall.
Value of Life

“So God created humans in his own image” Genesis 1:27… The true foundation for all human rights, social justice, and pro-life causes.
There is much debate and confusion about euthanasia. Examples of actions which are not euthanasia are often used to argue for law change which is euthanasia. This would be bad law. This short |Note aims to clarify some of the terms and issues in the hope that we can prevent this from happening.
Has God Given Up on Humanity?
The Value of Life Discussion Group is calling for papers from practitioners and academics for a book to be published in November 2016.
Health Select Committee Inquiry Submission on Euthanasia
Glyn Carpenter wrote on behalf of New Zealand Christian Network to ask that the committee recommend that euthanasia not be legalised in New Zealand.
NZCN|Media Release – Churches urged to organise submissions on euthanasia issue
NZ Christian Network is urging churches and individuals concerned about the possibility of euthanasia being legalised in New Zealand, to make submissions to the Health Select Committee before the due date 1 Feb 2016.
Why “Reading the Bible Faithfully” matters
There are some things which are basic in our Christian lives - things like prayer, Bible reading, worship, witness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9e-mA3Msec NZ Christian Network organised two major discussions recently - one on marriage and one on...